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Car hire in Cambodia

Car hire in Cambodia

Cambodia is located in South-east Asia, it is a popular tourist destination. First of all, this country offers visitors to spend their vacation on the beach in luxury conditions, take time shopping (in Cambodia is very low prices), as well as make sure to field trips in some cities.

As a reminder of the journey to Cambodia, you can bring back souvenirs of local manufacturing, silk fabrics, jewelry and all kinds of crafts. Many temples – the main advantage of the kingdom. Many of them are concentrated in Phnom Penh, Angkor, Sihanoukville (the most popular holiday resort).

The best way to travel between cities – own transportation. Visit and complete your rental car at any airport in Cambodia.

Benefits of using bookingcar

  • Incredibly low prices

    Huge discounts and special rates

  • No hidden fees and commissions

    All details are indicated in the rental terms. There are no fees for credit card processing.

  • Free cancellation & modification

    Free of charge 24 hours before pick up

  • Reliable

    We collaborate only with reputable car rental companies and always guarantee high level of service.

  • Convenient and fast

    You can search through all companies at the same time. You save time since we have already compared the prices, and you only have to choose!

  • 24-hour support

    Round-the-clock multi-language customer service, 7 days a week

Traffic Laws

Cambodia in terms of traffic rules is not sufficiently developed. Despite the availability of basic requirements for drivers, the local population rarely keeps them.

Driving advice:

Move the vehicle must be on the right side of the road. Observe the informal distribution of transport in order of importance (1 st place - freight cars behind them - cars, then - motorcycles, etc.). In other words, while driving a bike, you need to give way to the car. Keep an eye on closely spaced vehicles, especially large-sized. Movement in the country of a slow average speed - 35-50 km / h. However, local drivers are not accustomed to the fact that someone can go faster than they are. In the heavy traffic of pedestrians need to go around, which are always slowly moving across the street.


A characteristic feature of cities in Cambodia - a large number of motorcycles whose owners can park their vehicles at any convenient for them. Still, travelers and tourists prefer to leave the car in a specially designated places. Most of the parking lots are concentrated near the hotels Cambodia. The need to pay depends on the conditions of each particular hotel.

Allowable alcohol

Despite the high incidence of non-compliance with traffic regulations by the local population, for drunk driving in the country seriously. Legislative norms established that the maximum permissible level of alcohol in which the vehicle is allowed to drive, is the mark of 0.5 ppm. Danae rate is considered average among most countries.

Renting a car in Cambodia, with the cost of fuel Read

For refueling of vehicles in Cambodia can use gasoline and diesel fuel. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is not used, and it is unlikely you will be able to find a gas station.

Average fuel prices in the country:

  • To fill the car with gasoline, will have to spend 1.19 euros for 1 liter;
  • 1 liter of diesel fuel will cost a bit more expensive - 1.29 euros.

Approximate prices for rental cars in Cambodia

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