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Economical car hire in Lebanon

Car hire in Lebanon

Lebanon – a small Middle Eastern country, which attracts tourists an extensive excursion program, interesting customs, the ability to combine a ski holiday with a beach on the Mediterranean coast. Their mark on these lands have left a variety of civilization: the French, the Turks, Romans, Phoenicians, Arameans. The number of historical sites and monuments in the country is enormous, but perhaps the most interesting places – the once magnificent, now ruined cities of Byblos and Baalbek.

Do not be disappointed Lebanon and shoppers. In local shops and markets you can buy traditional souvenirs Arab: robes, the Turks, the rosary, hookahs. Among the things that only the famous Lebanon – products from local cedar sarafandskoe glass dzhezzinskoe cold steel and silk shufskoe sewing. In addition to authentic items can be purchased and branded merchandise brands.

The most popular way to travel in the country – in the car, so the tourists who want to blend in with the environment, it is necessary to rent a car in Lebanon. You can do this on the eve of a trip – across the site

Benefits of using bookingcar

  • Incredibly low prices

    Huge discounts and special rates

  • No hidden fees and commissions

    All details are indicated in the rental terms. There are no fees for credit card processing.

  • Free cancellation & modification

    Free of charge 24 hours before pick up

  • Reliable

    We collaborate only with reputable car rental companies and always guarantee high level of service.

  • Convenient and fast

    You can search through all companies at the same time. You save time since we have already compared the prices, and you only have to choose!

  • 24-hour support

    Round-the-clock multi-language customer service, 7 days a week

Fines for traffic violations in Lebanon

In 2015, the country adopted a new law on traffic, significantly toughening the rules for using the car. Depending on the severity of the offense is a fine of 20 to 30 thousand. Lire.


The fine (LL)

failure to use the side mirrors

50000 - 70000

failure to signal lights

100000 - 150000

Seat belt

200,000 - 300,000

running a red light

350000 - 450000

Car rental in Lebanon: Parking

The fact that there is a close car park, in Lebanon indicates the appropriate sign. All parking, organized along the sidewalks, are paid. The tariff for a 15-minute use of the service is 250 pounds. During holidays and weekends parking fees will be charged. In Lebanon, there are specially equipped areas for trucks, the cost for parking which varies between 2000-3500 lire a day.

Traffic Laws:

  • Children under 5 years of age must be transported in a car seat.
  • Never use radar detectors.
  • You can not talk on the phone while driving.
  • A child under 10 years can not sit in the front seat.
  • Tinted car requires special permission.

The cost of fuel

At gas stations in Lebanon it is mostly found in diesel, 95 th and 98 th gasoline. Central

Estimated cost car rental in Lebanon

Estimated cost car rental in other cities

Beirut from 21 euros per night

Yevsey Zagorski
We traveled to Israel and were very satisfied. We drove by car, which we took in the rental agency. We reserved a car and paid for it at home, and upon the arrival we got a car, which was used without restriction. It was convenient that the required insurance were issued immediately without additional charge, as it was included in the cost.
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