Penalties SDA Santorini
On the island of Santorini Greece are standard for traffic rules, adopted in 2007. In general, police quite favorably to the tourists, without making concessions only in cases when the driver stopped for drunk driving (a fine from 200 to 2,000 euros) and the use of radar detectors (fine 2,000 euros). Of course, the situation may be different, but agree with the traffic police can be. However, cases in which Russian citizens returning home from Greece without a license, yet occasionally occur.
In order not to splurge on a fairly impressive fines traffic rules in force on the island of Santorini, it is best to pay for them in the first ten days of the violation, in which case the authorities to make allowances for the payment of 50 percent of the amount of penalties.
Rates of alcohol for drivers on the island of Santorini
On the island of Santorini, as actually in all of Europe, drivers have the right to have a glass of wine at dinner. The permissible level of alcohol in the blood - is 0.3 ppm for motorists, who have the experience of driving more than two years and 0.2 ppm for those whose driving experience is less than two years.
For locals and visitors skeleton Santorini are both paid and free parking. Their value is different everywhere. However, it is easier and cheaper to park a rental car parked on the ground - their cost is approximately 2-4 euros on parking time is not limited to them. But the price of the underground parking ranges from 4 to 5 euros and are usually calculated by the hour.
But outside the city and on highways parking and stopping prohibited, besides it is very unsafe. As a rule, there are special places to stop, that you can use for free.
Toll roads
Different sections of the road on the island of Santorini are operated by different management companies. Dresses must be directly before entering the paid section of the road.
Places payment marked with special signs and posters. The fare is calculated based on the height of the car and the number of axles. The average fare for a bridge or tunnel will have to pay 2 to 3 euros.