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Economical car rental in Leipzig

Car hire in Leipzig

Tourists while visiting Saxony necessarily call in Leipzig, one of the largest cities in Germany, in which modern life is entwined with the cultural heritage of the past centuries. The town is popular museums, unique architectural structures. Leipzig is also famous for its annual fair, where visitors come from all over the world. Also, tourists must visit the local gallery of modern art, Daetts Center, Museum of History.

Leipzig has an international airport, railway station, a dense network of transport roads, which helps to easily get anywhere. It is a large market town, which has a University, a well-developed trade. Navigate through the streets on foot, on public transport. The best option – to rent a car at the airport in Leipzig, at the railway station, in the city center. It is more convenient to book a car in advance, as soon as the planned trip. Best of all – apply for a car online, online

Benefits of using bookingcar

  • Incredibly low prices

    Huge discounts and special rates

  • No hidden fees and commissions

    All details are indicated in the rental terms. There are no fees for credit card processing.

  • Free cancellation & modification

    Free of charge 24 hours before pick up

  • Reliable

    We collaborate only with reputable car rental companies and always guarantee high level of service.

  • Convenient and fast

    You can search through all companies at the same time. You save time since we have already compared the prices, and you only have to choose!

  • 24-hour support

    Round-the-clock multi-language customer service, 7 days a week

The cost of fuel for the rental car in Leipzig

In Germany you can transport gasoline canisters, without fear of legal penalty. In addition, the country is very popular E10 gasoline, costing 1.49 euros per liter. The fuel attracts quality / price, but the quality is suitable only for those cars whose engines are suitable for gasoline this brand. Refills for many Leipzig, almost all the same prices the cost of fuel for 1 liter is:

  • Diesel - 1, 244 euros.
  • Super Gasoline A98 - 1, 527 euros.
  • Gasoline 95 - 1, 509 euros.
  • LPG - 0, 610 euros.

Parking the car, rented

On the streets of Leipzig you can find different kinds of parking. There are free, places are almost always busy, there are areas on which the park can only locals. Some parking enough to have a parking disc. It costs only 2 euros, sell it at gas stations in nearby kiosks. The disc is set within a car so that you can see the time of arrival. Place it so as to ensure the visibility of the object under the windshield.

In most car parks are parking machines. In them, for a trifle, you can pay for parking place for 30 minutes. and more. The fine for parking - a strict, payable on location or in the courthouse, but in the larger sizes. The following fines:



Parking to 30 minutes.

10 euros

From 30 min. to 2 hours.

From 15 euros to 20 euros

Up to 3 h. Inclusive

25 euro

Over 3 hours.

30 euro

Speed ​​limits in Leipzig

What is the allowable speed of the car, rented in Leipzig, indicate signs. If they are not, you should focus on the rules of the road, which are enshrined in German law:

  • For motorcyclists, drivers of passenger cars are allowed to drive in the city at a speed of 50 km / h. Outside of the village it is driven at a speed of 100 km / h. On the highway, you can reach a maximum speed of 130 km / h.
  • If the car with the trailer, in the suburbs, you can reach speeds of 80 km / h. On urban roads in this case it is possible to move, accelerating to 50 km / h. On the autobahn allowed moving at a speed of 80 km / h.

The car, which is equipped with a chain wheel-slip on wet, icy roads, provided the permissible speed limit not exceeding 50 km / h.

Rules of the road in Leipzig

On the roads in Germany is unacceptable to move in a car with glasses, the degree of light transmission is less than 75%. Lateral and front glass thus should have light-transmitting capacity within 70%, no less. By the laws of non-compliance leads to the creation of an emergency on the road. As a result, the driver is facing the loss of a car until the cause of the deprivation of rights driving.

Road travel Leipzig involves the use of seat belts for the driver and passengers. If the rule is not respected, will have to pay a fine of 30 euros. To pay the sum of EUR 60 driver may if he was talking on a cell phone while driving the car. Using communication is permitted only with a headset that allows you to talk without hands.

Fines for traffic violations in Leipzig

Failure to comply with traffic rules entail payment of the fine. Make it desirable in the place, paying cash, a bank card. If the driver does not want or is unable to pay, the case is referred to court. The question to be solved in this way, penalty turns on a large scale.




Violation of traffic at the sign "No overtaking"

150 euros

Moving inside the tunnel when the headlights are turned off beam

60 euros

Improper parking

20-60 euros

Traffic on the red light

90-200 euro

The size of the penalty depends on how long the burning red light

In case of violation of the order of overtaking

70 euros

Overtaking on the right

100 euros

Only during travel outside the city

Participation in races on tracks for public use

400 euros

Vladimir Mats
We returned from Copenhagen. To be well-travelled on the trip and save money, we had rented a car. Before the flight we found a suitable car and paid for it via this site. We got it at the airport, where we were met by a representative of the provider. There were no difficulties or worries. Everything was great.
Valentina Savchenko
I went to Nevada. Of course, I rented a car via the website. The final cost turned out to be very modest, which gladdened me. Among all the search engines, this one showed the most profitable offer with a full insurance package for the minimum price. I chose it and paid for it via this site.
Zolotov Oleg
I used the services of a wide variety of car rental sites, and also rented a car at the destination place for many times. For some time past I use only this resource. For me, the advantages are obvious. It's easy rent and possibility to pay immediately via the site. By the way, you can forget about the situation when there is no suitable car for you, as it's often happened when renting a car at the destination place. I constantly recommend it to my friends.